Miyoung Margolis: Selected by Art Habens Contemporary Art
Miyoung Margolis has been Selected by Art Habens Contemporary Art, International Call for Artists // 5th Edition 2015.
I'd like to share with MiYoung's art Fans about the email it was such a considerable review!
Dear Miyoung, Thanks for your interest in the 5th Edition of ART Habens. We have been very impressed with your artistic production and we are glad to inform you that I and The Bride, Kiss me in the Rain, Their First dance Tango,Tango on the Canvas and Tango 2 have been selected for publication in the next Special edition of ART Habens Contemporary Art Review.
In particular, we have highly appreciated the way your refined approach explores the blurry boundary between Emotion and Perception, as well as your insightful investigation about the ephemeral nature of human experience, reminding us of Chagall's touch, establishes a deep involvement with the viewers, both on an emotional aspect and on an intellectual one. So we'll be pleased to submit you a personal interview that will be published in the next special issue of our art review. You can read the recent issues of ART Habens Art Review directly at: Special Issue http://issuu.com/ARTHabens/docs/art_habens_contemporary_art_review Winter 2015 http://issuu.com/ARTHabens/docs/art_habens_contemporary_art_review_Winter2015 Besides the four works that you have submitted to our call, we have been impressed with the refined aesthetics revealed by other projects of yours, as the interesting Love series, that we had the chance to get to know at http://mikkukfriend.wix.com/miyoungmargolis and that we'll be happy to mention as well, in order to give to our readers a wider idea of your multifaceted production. Please send us an updated artist's statement, about 14 high resolution stills to be published close to the text of the interview, as usual. For any further clarification, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ART Habens Team http://arthabens.yolasite.com/ -------